Today's Interments

Times scheduled for interments are subject to change without notice.
All inquiries should be addressed to the funeral home as shown below.

Beth Moses Cemetery

Today's Interments at Beth Moses

No interments today

Upcoming Interments at Beth Moses

Name Date Time Funeral Home Phone
JOAN POTASHNERSunday, 2/23/2025 1:00 PMShalom Memorial Chapels Inc631-360-1600
SONDRA KAMHISunday, 2/23/2025 1:30 PMI.J Morris - Dix Hills631-499-6060
LEONARD LIEDERSunday, 2/23/2025 2:30 PMSchwartz Brothers - Jeffer Memorial Chapels718-263-7600
IRWIN EHRENFREUNDSunday, 2/23/2025 3:15 PMI.J Morris - Dix Hills631-499-6060

Wellwood Cemetery

Today's Interments at Wellwood

No interments today

Upcoming Interments at Wellwood

Name Date Time Funeral Home Phone
CINDY BERNSTEINSunday, 2/23/202511:00 AMPlaza Jewish Community Chapel - NYC212-769-4400
HOWARD KAYESunday, 2/23/2025 2:45 PMI.J Morris - Brooklyn718-377-8610
RHODA EBLOWITZMonday, 2/24/202511:30 AMGuttermans - Woodbury516-699-1484
ROBERTA WILSONMonday, 2/24/2025 1:00 PMBloomfield Cooper Jewish Chapels732-446-4242